Sunday, August 30, 2009


The bloated banking system is about to shrink. What is the right verb to describe this process? To debloat, perhaps. So, lets conjugate...

I debloat;
you debloat
He debloats,
She debloats..etc

From the Mail.....

More than a third of the Halifax branch network faces closure by its owner Lloyds in one of the biggest bank culls in history. The move, which immediately sparked bitter criticism, would wipe out 550 small branches and 'agency counters' inside the offices of estate agents, solicitors and financial consultants.

It would cause huge job losses and intensify fears that the historic Halifax name may disappear completely. Altogether, the Halifax, once Britain's biggest building society, has about 1,300 branches.


  1. well as it's full of them, i suggest the banking system depricks

  2. AC: "I debloat; you debloat, He debloats, She debloats..etc "

    Really Alice, the lengths you go to, to avoid using the 'D' word.

    If the banking sector was 'inflated' then it is in the process of deflating.


  3. "More than a third of the Halifax branch network faces closure by its owner Lloyds in one of the biggest bank culls in history."

    Now I know Lloyds couldn't recognize a poison pill when handed to them by Gordon Brown, but... would they be closing all the Halifax branches if they thought the housing market was going to rocket in the next couple of months?

    Just asking is all...
